Sports Massage Bath

Sports Massage Bath

What is Sports Massage?

Sports massage is a form of deep tissue massage that works on the soft tissue structures of the body (muscles, fascia, tendons etc). Although commonly used in sporting environments it is a popular form of massage with those looking to relieve tensions from the daily demands of life and sporting activities.

Who is it for?

Sports massage is for everybody not just for athletes or those taking part in regular sporting activities. It can also help with a wide range of issues and help people from all walks of life. Whether you are training hard, recovering from an injury, experiencing aches due to sitting at a desk all day or doing a strenuous job, carrying tension due to stress or dealing with a pain condition, sports massage may help.

What are the benefits?

  • Helps to relieve tension within the muscles
  • Helps increase the range of motion around joints treated
  • It makes people feel good! The psychological benefits from the endorphins released help to promote a feeling of well being and relaxation
  • Reduces the effects of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)
  • Helps aid recovery from training
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